This session is aimed to encourage the Ph.D. student poster session participants through their oral presentation. It is also aimed to offer a place for them to interact with researchers, academia and government beyond generations, and other students.
- Any Ph.D. student poster session participants are welcomed to apply for the oral session with the same content. Applicants should choose the oral session when applying for the student poster session. Presenter of Oral session have to give poster presentation as well (If a presenter only attend oral session and do not give poster presentation, he/she may be rejected from the award).
- Application is on first-come-first-served basis. In case the number of presentations exceeds 30, acceptance may be closed before July 6 5PM.
- Only one oral presentation from each laboratory will be accepted.
- Oral session time is 12 minutes including 9 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A.
- Presenters are required to attend and engage in discussion at all the presentations during your session.
- "Ph.D. student Oral Presentation Awards" will be offered to outstanding presentations. Researchers in industry and academia review oral presentation based on the following subjects, such as "originality and possibility for development of research", "presentation structure and clarity", "questions and answers".
- "Ph.D. student Oral Presentation Awards" is given for the purpose to encourage doctoral students. If you are a working doctor(社会人博士), please consult your academic advisor before apply.
- When presenting in this session, please try to make your presentation easy to understand for a wide range of people.
For your reference (Last year's information)
【Number of presentations】30
【Program】Oral Presentation (for Ph.D. Student only)(Click to jump)
【Poster Awards】
- Results of the Best Poster Awards and Ph.D. student Oral Presentation Awards(Click to jump)
How to apply for Oral Presentation (for Ph.D. Student only)
Please apply from application form in the Application Guidelines for Student Poster Session